Tuesday, February 9, 2010

GTUG Kuala Lumpur & CodeAndroid Malaysia meetup #0

The inaugural GTUGKL meetup for 2010 was held on 6th February 2010 at iTrain. The long awaited meetup saw familiar faces as well as a few who were first-timers. We hope you enjoyed the show! Now to those who missed it, here's a recap.

Our regular host for GTUG KL, Nazrul, introduced CodeAndroid Malaysia, a community for Android users & developers. And the best part, GTUG KL & CodeAndroid Malaysia will have joint meetups every month. We will see a lot more Android in future meetups.

We Code Android
Code Android Malaysia is a local chapter from CodeAndroid.org, founded by Zi Yong and started in Singapore. Local team here currently consists of following members.
Nazrul - Team Manager
Marvin - Editorial
Hongster - Application development, like making apps and coding
Wen Jiun - Workshops & resources
Bernie - Hardware & Devices

2010 Vision for CodeAndroid
South East Asia is an emerging market for Android. While Android is already very popular in the US and other countries, Asian countries were still dominated by iPhone and Blackberry. We see the potential growth for Android in the SE Asia market and we know it will be a dominant player soon. It is our vision to gather more developers building on the Android platform and provide resources to them. In the pipeline are also campus tours where CodeAndroid Malaysia team will be conducting Android workshops.

Android Apps Demonstration
Wen Jiun demonstrated to everyone the CodeAndroid Malaysia community projects: Antollroid - by Hean Hong, KL Traffic Cam by Bernie, The Star Online by Marvin and 3D Geometry app by Wen Jiun himself.

Lightning talks
Kegan who developed MalaysiaCrime.com is now working for YTL Communications and talked about myPrize, an initiative to invite the public to submit original ideas, software or devices for use on YTL's 4G network. And it comes with a USD$1 million bounty. That's right, that's more than RM 3.3 million in total up for grabs. Kegan shared tips on how to win, and yes, we got them during the meetup. :-) If you can't wait, checkout these tips too. Mobile Content Challenge
Nazrul had been to Mobile Content Challenge and expressed surprise that most of the applications submitted are variations of J2ME apps and especially SMS centric. The number of participants who know of Android is also very low. This is where CodeAndroid Malaysia will work on to raise awareness to Malaysian students.

Hacking Google Earth Razlan, also a regular to GTUG KL introduced his current project which is one that provides services in updating high resolution aerial images by utilizing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

RPG games on Android Sonny, a games software developer shared his online RPG project which utilizes inline frames and invited developers to create a mobile version of the game.

The meetup ended around 5pm where everyone mingled around to share knowledge and talk about other geeky stuff. This is what we do during GTUG KL meetups and I must say, these people are cool people. :-)

Join us in our next meetup, tentatively scheduled for 13th March 2010, where the main focus will be on Google's Chromes Extension.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Directions to iTrain for today's meetup

Need to find your way to iTrain? Here is the map:

View iTrain Kuala Lumpur in a larger map

Here are the details about the meetup. What will happen today?

2:30pm - Introduction
2:45pm - We Code Android
4:45pm - Lightning talks
3:45pm - Chrome Extensions 101
5:30pm - Breakout!

We Code Android
A presentation about CodeAndroid Malaysia plans for 2010. We will also showcase 3 new Android applications recently developed by our community of developers: The Star Online by Marvin Lee, KL Traffic Cam by Bernie Eng & Antollroid by Leong Hean Hong.

Chrome Extensions 101
Google Chrome OS is Google's answer for a netbook operating system which is tighly integrated with Google Chrome, the browser. With the introduction of Chrome Extensions, you'll be able to extend & enhance Google Chrome's functionality & improve your browsing experience. Armed with HTML, CSS & Javascript, this session will show you how you can start building your own Chrome extensions.

There will be a lightning talk session today. So if you have something interesting to share, like your "secret" project or new developer ninja tricks with the community, come on over! We heard that someone from myPrize, the infamous RM1 million global developer competition, is coming over too.

See you there :)