Timothy Jordan from Google's Mountain View office is in town and will be meeting up with students, academicians & developers to talk about the new social web and how open standards like oAuth, PubSubHubub and you (yes you!) can take the bold steps in pursuing that change.
Venue: MMU Cyberjaya, Room DR0002, Lower Ground Floor, Faculty of Creative Multimedia (FCM)
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Date: 12 October 2010
This talk is also open for the general public.
A little bit of background about Timothy.
Timothy Jordan
Timothy is a Developer Advocate at Google working on the social web. He has a B.S. in Computer Engineering, a Theater Arts graduate degree, and an MFA in Digital Arts and New Media from UC Santa Cruz. In his spare time he runs half marathons and announces for the Santa Cruz Derby Girls, the Silicon Valley Roller Girls, and any other Roller Derby team that asks. As an engineer he enjoys solving problems for the benefit of fellow humans. As an artist he enjoys the search for truth and beauty.